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Olivesync Prototypes

This is the White collar app by Olivesync for Resonance institute. The login and the timeline (home page). The colours have been used with relevance to the institute's logo colours. Here, the students get all the information regarding the timetable, schedule, lectures and all other important notifications like emergencies and changes in schedule.

This is the White collar app by Olivesync for ISDI institute. The login and the timeline (home page). The colours have been used with relevance to the institute's logo colours.

This is the White collar app by Olivesync for IMS institute. The login and the timeline (home page). The colours have been used with relevance to the institute's logo colours.

This is the White collar app by Olivesync for DAMS institute. The login and the timeline (home page). The colours have been used with relevance to the institute's logo colours.

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